A Beautiful Day for Baptisms!

It doesn't get any better than this! A gorgeous day to see four people publicly proclaiming Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through baptism!

It was a special treat to be able to run this one as an entire church family after a Sunday service at Ingomar in early August. We are so thankful for the four that chose to be baptized this past month and we ask that you keep them in your prayers as they continue aligning their lives daily with Jesus.

Highlights of the Inaugural Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North Porch Baptisms, including Kate Brown, Corinne Miller, Sherri Kashuba, and Stephen Zeleznak. Song: Busted Heart (Hold On To Me) For King and Country

If you would like to declare your love, alignment, and life following with Jesus Christ in baptism email Pastor Jeff and he can guide you in this amazing decision and action.

Back to School!

Back to Marshall Middle School that is. We are finally done with our temporary summer home in Ingomar and heading back to Marshall for the Fall/Winter/Spring '16-'17 seasons. We are so happy that most of you joined us all summer long. We also enjoyed getting to meet some new local faces that checked us out for our weeks at Ingomar. Please remember to plan ahead and join us in Marshall this coming week 9/11.
Check out the map below to prepare for the move!


An Unshakeable 'Know-So' Faith

A couple weeks ago, I met an 80-year old fellow with a grey shaggy beard who shared a room at the hospital with my father for a couple days.  He was quite an individual with no shortage of colorful vocabulary and interesting stories.  

I walked into his hospital room about ten minutes after he had gotten the worst news of his life.  Nearing the room, I could hear him apologizing profusely to the nurse for having exploded into a fit of rage just moments earlier.   Apparently the staff was gently trying to break the news to this man that he was dying from liver cancer, but they didn't quite know how to make it palatable for him.  The outlook for Skip was very grave, and they were beating around the bush which upset him exceedingly. "All I want is for people to be straight with me!", he exclaimed with passion.  "I just want the truth!"   

You gotta respect a man who just wants the truth, right?  And so, being a 'truth' guy myself, I saw this as a wide open door to ask him some pointed questions about eternity.   He had just gotten some really horrible news and he was all alone.  No family, no friends.  No one to walk with him upon hearing that his life probably was nearing the end.  "Well, I guess this is it", he mumbled in defeat.  "This is how it all ends".   

I asked him if he ever gave thought to what’s next for him when he dies.  “What about the after-life, Skip?  You ever think about that?”.   “Oh, yeah!”, he shot back, sort of excitedly.  

In our discussion, he told me he had been sober for forty years. He didn’t really participate much in his ‘religion’, but tried to live a clean life.  He was very hopeful that since he was a decent guy, maybe God would let him into heaven. 

“Skip, you don’t have to wonder if you are going to heaven.  You can actually know for sure. The Bible gives people assurance of eternal life”.  I walked him through the gospel message, starting with the grim reality that all of us are sinners, separated from God and helpless to do anything about it on our own (Isa. 59:2, Rom. 3:23).  “Because of our sin”, I told him, “we are all condemned to spend an eternal, conscious punishment in a real place called hell.  God is a just and righteous judge, requiring payment for sins.  He wouldn’t be much of a judge if He just winked at sin and let people off the hook, would He?  Consequently, God’s justice demands that our sin be paid for (Rom. 6:23)”.   

“God, in his infinite love and grace however, provided a way of escape, sending Jesus Christ to the cross as the all-sufficient payment for every one of the sins of those who surrender their lives to God’s Son”.   I told him that this is called ‘salvation’, which is really just another term for ‘deliverance’.  I continued: “Skip, deliverance means that you were once in a position of danger, and now you have been moved to a position of safety... you have been saved!  Jesus Christ provides deliverance to those who put their faith, hope and trust in His finished work on the cross.  Skip, you and I both belonged on that cross, but Jesus took our place - he was our substitute.  Christ’s work on the cross is His offer to take ALL your sins upon himself (2 Cor. 5:21).  The free gift of eternal life is there for your taking.  He offers to make you completely clean, just as if you never sinned.  And even so much more than that, He offers to place His righteousness upon you.  Do you know what that means Skip?  That means that you become an adopted and forgiven child of God (Eph. 1:5).  When God looks at you, He sees you as He sees His own Son, completely blameless!  That is amazing!”   

“But Skip, this requires a response on your part.  To receive this amazing gift of forgiveness and eternal life, you must reach out to God in faith and accept the gift of His Son, and renounce all your own efforts and so-called good works (Eph. 2:8-9).  You must confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved (Rom. 10:9-10)”.   

“You see Skip, Christians don’t have a flimsy ‘hope-so’ outlook.  We don’t have a nervous ‘think-so’ attitude.  We don’t have a questionable ‘maybe-so’ thought process.  Because of God’s special promises in His Word, we have an unshakable ‘know-so’ faith.  And that faith can be yours!” 

I followed up with Skip the next day by giving him a gospel tract that reinforced everything I had told him.  We prayed together a couple times, and he thanked me for talking with him, but only the Lord knows where Skip’s heart really is.  Pray for his salvation! 

Blessings to you as you share the hope of the gospel in your area of influence,


Those aren’t Cade’s rules.

Our kids recently got involved with an ice hockey league. My 10-year old (Cade) has been especially loving it. Now that he learned how to skate (kind of), he has started learning stick handling and shooting the puck.

At dinner time, talking about his accomplishments to date in his short career (one month, as of this writing), Cade said, “I got a lot of goals!”

Erin explained that the puck has to go into the goal for the goal to actually count. Cade answered, “No, if it goes in the goal, or off the side, or off the post, it counts as a goal.”

I interjected, “No, buddy, it has to cross the goal line to count.” To which he objected, “No it doesn’t.”

I said, “Well it does according to the rules used by all hockey players everywhere!”

He put his head down, softly and defiantly replied, “Those aren’t Cade’s rules.

He’s 10. At this point he knows as much about hockey as I know about this "Pokemon Go" thing (next to nothing). But something about the way he said that last line sounded a familiar bell that man has been deceiving himself with since the devil lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden. In his damning sales pitch to get Adam and Eve to transgress, one of Satan’s promises (lies) was that eating from the forbidden tree will make mankind “like God” (Genesis 3:5). Your eyes will be opened. You will know good and evil. Horrible deception.

I have to wonder how much impact those 5 little words made on the minds of the First Couple. “You will be like God”.

The truth is nothing and nobody is like God – never was, never will be. Yet we find ourselves in the mess we are in because Adam and Eve took the bait. And how enticing are those words...? I will be like God, I will be like God, I will be like God.

The Sovereign Almighty of the Universe has created a world with “rules” and has already established the “rules” for us in His commands: Love God with our heart, soul, mind, strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. Forgive others. Serve sacrificially. Help the needy.

And in our moments of defiance, when we persist in self-centered sin, in our bid to be like God, we hear God’s Word clearly but want to be a god unto ourselves. We put our heads down and say, “Those aren’t MY rules.”

If you are sitting on the throne of your own life right now, it’s time to get off and allow Jesus His rightful place. You will never be like God, and living by “your rules” isn’t going to take you very far.

Just ask Adam and Eve. Or Cade, when he finally has his first real hockey game.

Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. -1John 2:4-6

Pastor Jeff

-Who is on your throne?