Small Group Outreach: Hosanna Industries

In the 2016 winter quarter, the Murphy Small group teamed up with Hosanna Industries by helping an elderly woman named Linda with her home in Mckeesport, PA. She lived by herself, already had one knee replacement while awaiting another and could not do much with the dampness in her basement. Russ, Mike, and Ben traveled down together on the coldest day of the year to help scrape off old mortar, dust, and then dry-loc her basement walls to keep the moisture from seeping in and the mildew out of her home.

She was very appreciative of the work and we enjoyed our time together working to further His kingdom with some good old fashion sweat and sore hands. Check out the brief video below to see the work that was done in Linda's home.

Things Are Gonna Get Worse Before They Get Better.

I say that a lot to myself.

We have seen, over and over for 11 years, any time our son Owen goes through any type of health treatment that ultimately benefits him, his initial reaction is rough. He may be more hyperactive, screaming, up all night, easily irritated, crying – any combination of these OR even all of the above. He had a treatment last week, actually, so it has been a hard few days. But I keep saying, “It always gets worse before it gets better.”

Sometimes I say it with conviction. Sometimes I am trying to talk myself into it. Sometimes I am reminding myself as if I forgot (again).

And days like today, I have to remind myself that, for whatever reason, it seems God likes to work like that. Things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Like Israel, right? God promises freedom, the land promised to Abraham, the fulfillment of a promise. But they were slaves in Egypt. Before they marched out (on Pharaoh’s dime), their slave labor went from horrible to worse. “Keep making bricks but gather your own straw!” (Exodus 5). Things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Or like Jesus. He came to save us. Glory to God, Exaltation to Christ, Salvation for His people. But Hebrews 12:2 says, yes, the joy was set before Christ, yes, He is seated at the right hand of God, but before that, He had to endure the cross. Things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Or like the whole book of Revelation, right? Jesus comes back and sets up His glorious kingdom on earth, according to Revelation 20. And Revelation 21 says He is making a new heaven and a new earth! What is better than that? But, Revelation 6-19 tells us of God’s wrath being poured out on the earth! Seals, trumpets, bowls, truly terrifying events describing the end of the age as God's judgment is being poured out on a sinful world. Showing us again that things are gonna get worse before they get better.

So maybe the good news you were expecting from the doctor actually ended up being another dose of bad news.

Maybe that relationship you have been praying for took a turn for the worse.

Maybe the marriage you have been trying to save took a huge step backwards.

Maybe the job you applied for fell through.

Maybe today, like me, you are a little discouraged and more than a little disappointed.

Maybe you should turn your eyes to God, look at His Word and His track record, and say it with me:

Things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Pastor Jeff

-better days ahead!

Tighten the Knot Group Date Event Recap

We laughed, we cried, we kissed, we dined! It was a wonderful evening of love and laughter all around...

Pastor Jeff hosted an enlightening Newly Wed game for some not-so-newlyweds that may need to get to know their spouses quite a bit better. The youth helped to serve a wonderful meal to the couples. Many wonderful people watched children away from their very relieved parents. Pastor Fred Neal from Harvest Community Church in Fairview, PA gave a fantastic word on marriage and our roles within God's design. Fun was had by all!

A huge thank you to Nancy Carmichael and Sherri Kashuba for coordinating such an amazing evening in celebration of marriage! And another thank you to Kate Brown Photography for the beautiful and especially funny photos of the event!

If you'd like to continue to "Tighten the Knot" of your marriage we are teaming up with Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh East for a weekend marriage retreat in mid-March. Check out the details on our Event Page.

Every So Often, We Have This Membership Class...

...and the questions come up: Why officially become a member of the church? What difference does it make? Does is really matter, really change anything just to formalize my membership?

It does. Certainly taking the class doesn't MAKE you a member of the church, but it gives you the information so that you can make an informed decision. 

At Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North, membership results in the following perks: 

  1. Automatically go to the front of the line for prayer after service – no waiting!
  2. Warm baptism water (guaranteed to be at least 77 degrees) for any of your family or friends getting baptized. 
  3. Personalized car window decal: >your name here< is Loved at HBC!”
  4. 5% off your tithe. 

That was a joke. We don’t have any of those decals. 

But kidding aside, I don’t think membership itself is a joke. I do think it is really important, speaking from the pastor’s perspective, to know who is considering themselves part of the flock, part of this body of Christ. 

The bottom line: membership is about unity. I am a part of this team. I am taking responsibility for what happens at this church. 

We actually interview everyone who wants to place membership with us, for three main reasons: 

1) We can explain what it means to be a member (expectations, ministry involvement, etc), 

2) We want to hear the prospective member’s testimony. (To join the church, it’s pretty important to be a Christian first, right? Plus: I just LOVE hearing testimonies. They never get old!) Oh, and 

3) It gives the prospective member opportunity to ask any questions about the church. 

Recently, I came across this article about church membership. I thought it had some great points on the subject, so if you have ever struggled with the value of formally joining a church, take a minute and read this!

You are Loved!

Pastor Jeff

-membership has its privileges