Marriage and Sexuality: Is there such a thing as "right" and "wrong"?

Grieved. I can’t get it out of my mind. I read an article Monday morning, and I can’t stop thinking about it.

If you want to read the rest of this blog, you may want to pause and read this article so you know what I am talking about.

At this point, the accusations are loaded, ready to fire. “Jeff is condemning homosexuality." I hear that type of language a lot. I don’t even know what that means. I have not the power condemn anybody. God is the judge. All I can do is relay the message of the Bible. I don’t make it up, I just broadcast it.

I have friends that are homosexual, just as I have friends that are liars, thieves, gluttons, self-centered, gossips… name something the Bible says is sin, and I am sure I have a friend who fits that category. And so do you. In fact, the worst sinner I have ever met is Jeff Miller, and if not for the grace of God, I would still be on a crash-and-burn path of destruction. Far from perfect, I am not yet the person I want to be, but I thank God I am not who I was ($1 to Pat Kelly).

My concern is where the line is being redrawn. God, who created marriage and sexuality, has established the lines long ago. One man, one woman, one lifetime. (See Matthew 19:4-6 for Jesus‘ commentary on marriage, which should not be regarded lightly.)

And in the midst of the homosexual marriage legal battle (with passionate advocates on both side), underneath the clamor of redefining marriage, the line is being redrawn again. Where is the line? God says, “One man, one woman, one lifetime. Anything beyond My drawn line is not in my plan.” And America says, “Let’s move the line to include homosexual marriage as part of the plan.” And the APA perks up with, “Before that line is drawn, let’s move it to include pedophilia as a valid sexual orientation.”

So what is right? What is wrong? Who has the authority to draw/move the line between right and wrong? Is there even a line anymore?

I think the line America has drawn echoes the line drawn in the days of Israel in the book of Judges, the very last verse of the book: In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

In other words, “There is no authority. I am the authority.”

Post your comments below.

p.s. - Disagreeing with someone’s beliefs does not mean you hate them. That goes both ways, for the record.

The Questions We Didn’t Get To Answer

Here they are, the questions we did not get to cover on Sunday. If you asked one of these, take no offense that it was not used in service. We had to limit the number, and if we do this in the future, we will be doing fewer than we did Sunday.

I am going to give the short answer, and if you want more, e-mail me!

Should Christians be organ donors? 

I think being an organ donor is a great thing. I see no Biblical reason not to, if that is what you choose to do.

Is cremation wrong?

I have heard both sides of this one. One side says, “It’s a Pagan practice, Christians always buried their dead.” True. And Christians never let Pagan practices creep in (like Christmas trees and lights, Easter eggs, and Halloween). Apology for the sarcasm there.

The other side is, “It’s cheaper, and isn’t it the same kind of thing that happens to your body if you die in a fire, for example?” True.

Cop out answer: you have no control over what happens to your body when you die. I know, such a lame answer, right? “But Pastor Jeff, what if someone requests cremation ahead of time, should we honor the request when they die?” It’s not a salvation issue. Do your homework, have your own conviction.

Are psychics real? Are they evil?

I believe most are just fakers, and if there are “real” ones, they get their spiritual “insight” from Satanic sources, as God would not empower something He forbids! See Leviticus 19:31, 20:6, 2 Kings 21:6, Isaiah 8:19, for example.

Do you believe people have seen heaven and returned to earth?

I know of two who had for sure. One wasn’t allowed to talk about it (Paul) and one was told to write it all down (John). I have read the modern day accounts, and I confess to being a bit skeptical. Admittedly, some of the details I have read concerning the modern ones are pretty amazing.

What are similarities/differences between our church and the first century church?

We are striving for many of the same ingredients the first century church had! Obviously technology and culture have changed in the last couple thousand years, but the foundational principles we see in the book of Acts are still pillars in HBC - preaching the Word of God, worshiping God in spirit and in truth, praying passionately, and sharing the Gospel with boldness. Even all of the electronic gizmos we use are to work towards the goal of making disciples and carrying out the 4 pillars.

Should you still tithe 10% of your income if you are behind on your bills?

In cases like this, I recommend good Biblical financial counseling.

I believe tithing is a great principle, and am convicted myself it is the place to start with giving. That said, the Jewish Old Testament requirement is not seen shifted over to the church in the New Testament. Actually, an OT Jew would end up tithing about 23 1/3rd % of their income!

“Oh so since we are under grace, we are not required to give as much?” Name something the law required that grace doesn’t give more! Money is a heart issue, and giving must be done deliberately, out of your own supply, and cheerfully. Read 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 really carefully for a great teaching on NT giving.

Will God punish those who outwardly mock Him?

Yes. Unless they repent and are born again, the Bible says everyone who has failed to come to Christ for forgiveness of sins and eternal life will face the ultimate and eternal wrath of God, whether they mock Him outwardly or silently reject Him.

If this was edifying, let me know, and we will do it again sometime!

Pastor Jeff
p.s. - Not afraid of hard questions, but terribly afraid of sharks.

The Things You Learn at the Dollar Store

After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here am I." He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."    ---Genesis 22:1-2

This story always astounded me.

My paraphrase (seriously, go back and read it in the Bible).

God: “Abraham, you are going to have a son.”

Abraham: “No way.”

God: “Yes, you are.”

<the son is born>

Abraham: “Woo-hoo!”

God: “Now go kill him.”

I beg your pardon…?

Yeah, I mentioned this story in the blog “I like the way you think, Abe.” but I was recently shown a little more insight into this passage.

My son Cade just lost his first tooth. He planned on springing a trap to catch the Tooth Fairy and “throw her in the bathtub”. Don’t ask, I don’t know.

Well, she took the tooth and left him 4 quarters and a note expressing her dismay at his nefarious plot. Too bad he’s a sound sleeper. She was in and out without him waking. Amazingly, since she is a 215 pound dude. (We bear a resemblance.)

Those quarters were burning a hole in his pocket, along with the other change he had. He was
longing for a trip to the Dollar Store, a place that makes Cade feel like Donald Trump. He can
walk in there and just buy anything!

While we were in there, I asked him, “Cade, would you buy something for Daddy?” He thought for a second…

“Sure! I’ll buy you something! What do you want?”

I replied, “I really don’t want anything, I just wanted to know that you were willing to do it.”

Then it hit me. Right there by the terrible coloring books and the horrible greeting cards. Abraham. God tested him.

But God knew what was already in Abe‘s heart, right?

Yeah, maybe that test was so Abraham would learn what was in Abe‘s heart, too. 

p.s. - Getting someone a card from the Dollar Store is one step away from telling them that they are dead to you.

An Evening of Prayer, Take 2!

OK, the last attempt at a night of congregational prayer was not what we were hoping for. We had planned to have an outdoor prayer meeting and met with storms that would make Noah nervous.

But here’s the good news: we will be inside this time around. Covenant Community Church has been very gracious to us, and is allowing us to use their building for the prayer meeting! 5157 Wexford Run Road, Wexford, is the address, just on the other side of 79 from Marshall Middle School.

As we have already seen from God’s Word in Habakkuk, the Lord keeps a different schedule than us. His plans are sometimes different and always better than ours. And the greatest blessing He gives us through it all is prayer. We have the invitation to go before the God of the universe and converse with Him! What an awesome privilege. And you will never enjoy the experience of the goodness of God without prayer.

Need more incentive? Probably not, but I am going to share with you some reasons for prayer I recently read in an article in Israel My Glory:

  1. It demonstrates our relationship with God.
  2. God calls us to it! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
  3. It demonstrates our dependence on God. (Psalm 121:1-3)
  4. It is a way we serve God. (Luke 2:37)
  5. It strengthens our faith. (Ephesians 3:20)
  6. It is worth doing! (James 5:16)
  7. God always answers. (1 John 5:14-15)

In the comments section below, you can offer more reasons! 

See you Friday at 7PM!

p.s. - prayerlessness is carelessness