Sermon Series

Get Ready for Our Next Sermon Series: The Kingdom of Heaven

You can’t miss it. Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus over and over kept talking about the kingdom of heaven. “It’s like this, it can be compared to this…” It was the theme of many of His parables. But what is the kingdom of heaven?

We will be immersing ourselves in Jesus’ key teachings on this subject. The sermon series “Jesus Introduces the Church Age” will begin June 10 and run through most of the summer. Why is this such an important series? Because Jesus is describing, in detail, the very day that we live in! We don’t have to wonder what God is up to between the first appearance and the second coming of Christ. Jesus spells it all out!

These are the questions Jesus answered that we will be diving into:

How will people respond to the Gospel?

How do we deal with unbelievers?

How far can this go?

What is it worth?

How will it end?

What is my part in all of this?

The next few blogs will give some context and background to prepare us for this study. I encourage you to be reading these and preparing for this series. You will see the Gospel in a fresh and exciting way as Jesus describes how His Kingdom will advance on the earth until His return!

Join us!

Want to Hear a Joke That Will Both Make You Laugh and Make You Think?

We just finished going through Genesis 3 over the last two weeks, examining how sin came into the world.

One tree, one law, one temptation, one transgression.

Doubt, deny, disobey God’s Word.

Run from God, hide in shame.

Then, when we stand guilty, it’s time to blame blame blame everyone else we know. That’s what Adam did. At this point in history, he only knew 2 others: Eve and God. And he blamed them both for his sin. In Genesis 3:12, Adam said, “it was the woman… whom YOU gave to be with me…” (emphasis mine). Things were fine here, why did you put her here? It’s all her fault, and, well… you put her here. Just sayin’.

This got me thinking of one of my favorite jokes. And you need to think about it, too.

An elderly man is out driving, and his wife was at home watching the news. She called his cell phone and said, “Be careful out there. I know you said you were taking Route 79 home today, and they are showing on the news that this maniac is driving the wrong way on Route 79!”

The man screamed back, “What are you talking about?! There are dozens of people going the wrong way!”

The point is obvious: sometimes everyone else isn’t the problem. Sometimes you are the problem. 

p.s. - is often the problem