Personal Walk

A Huge Complaint

I have a huge complaint. Actually, I have a few of them. But complaining is a sin, so I shouldn't. I am such a complainer sometimes. I am sick of complaining. Then I complain about being tired of being sick of my complaining. Man, I am sick and tired of being tired of being sick of my complaining. 

I complain a lot. A lot less now, that my wife has been showing me that I can be a real whiner sometimes. God is working on me.

But it’s a “respectable” sin, right? No harm done, right? It’s natural, everyone does it, not a big deal.

Uh, wrong, wrong, technically since we are all sinners, doesn’t make it right, and wrong, respectively.

We choose to complain. It’s a choice. Let’s acknowledge that first. It IS a sin, it hurts ourselves (we become depressed in our negative thinking), it questions God’s sovereignty (never a good idea), and it affects others (ever been around a constant complainer? ugh).

I love how James MacDonald defines complaining: It is: expressing dissatisfaction with a circumstance that is not wrong and about which I am doing nothing to correct. . If you are expressing dissatisfaction because something is inherently wrong, that is not complaining. Or if you are trying to fix a situation, it is not complaining. But if these two don’t apply, you are complaining.

Not only do we do it verbally, but how often I catch myself doing it inwardly! “I don’t like this, I don’t prefer this, I wish I had my way, boo-hoo.”

It is a trendy thing, too. Websites are devoted to allowing people to post complaints, as I first learned, again, from James MacDonald. So I decided to check one out personally. For research. (I didn‘t post anything.)

I went to One person actually was griping about people using the brand name “Styrofoam” for things not made by that brand. Wow, really? People that do that should be fined…or shot… or SOMETHING, for Pete’s sake! We have to stop the misuse of the Styrofoam name, those people are running roughshod in our society!

Enough sarcasm. That is silly, but true. And maybe you and I say, “At least I complain about important things.” Does that matter?

Numbers 11:1 - And the people complained in the hearing of the LORD about their misfortunes, and when the LORD heard it, his anger was kindled, and the fire of the LORD burned among them and consumed some outlying parts of the camp.

God doesn’t give a pass for complaining about adversity. There is no gage on how bad things can get before God allows you to complain.

The Apostle Paul wrote: Do ALL things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world… (Philippians 2:14-15)

The Bible teaches us that we are to replace sinful habits with Godly habits. So you don’t just stop complaining, youreplace it with thankfulness. How do I do that? Part II is coming…

p.s. - moving out of Whinersberg

Are you full?

Well, it looks like we are about to start another new diet in our family. Not that I am complaining (much), because it is for our kids. And I can stand to lose a couple (dozen) pounds. 

I know I need a new diet, I just don't want one. Why? Because like everyone else in the world, I trained my appetite. Appetites don't just happen, you and I train them, whether they are good or bad. You may be hungry for the salad, I am hungry for the pizza. People like me have a problem staying full, because we fill up on junk. Junk is a quick fix, but it never satisfies.  

This is true spiritually. People aren't hungry for the truth of God's Word because they have filled up on the junk of the world, which never satisfies. But the good news is, like our physical appetites, our spiritual appetites can change - if we can discipline ourselves to start filling up on the right things. 

Many people come to Jesus with an appetite for the wrong thing. "What can Jesus do for me? Jesus, make me rich! Jesus, get me outta this mess I put myself in. Jesus, make me happy!"

And then they leave disappointed, thinking the problem is Jesus!

In John 6, Jesus fed 5000 men, and afterwards the disciples crossed the sea by boat, but Jesus just decided to walk over... on the sea! When the crowds went looking for Him (6:25-26), they found him, but they were interested in more free lunch! Jesus even called them out on it: " are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves."

Everyone wants a free lunch, but Jesus made it clear what they really needed, and what they needed to be seeking! In verse 27, He commanded, "Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you." Where can I get a loaf of that? Jesus said (v35), "I am the bread of life."

Coming to Jesus means receiving Jesus, not just looking for what Jesus can give me, but receiving Jesus Himself.

Church-goers everywhere face this every Sunday. They go to church with wrong expectations, and then blame the church when they don't get what they think they need. They always feel unsatisfied, because they weren't ready to receive the One who satisfies our deepest spiritual need.

Satisfaction can only come through Jesus Christ. We don't need reformation, we need transformation. We don't need a quick fix, we need life! And only Jesus can give life. 

Like the song goes, "Above all else, Jesus, give me yourself."

So what about you? Are you satisfied?