Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Resurrection Sunday – April 9th

Prayer: Ask the Lord to bless your time in the Word and prepare your heart to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Read: Matthew 28:1-15 and Psalm 16:8-11

The resurrection of Jesus is the most important yet controversial event in human history. Many would like to ignore the resurrection and not give it a moment’s thought. Others try to explain it away with “scientific” and “logical” defenses that prove to be more unbelievable than the claim that the Son of God rose from the dead. There is the “Swoon Theory” which imagines that Jesus passed out on the cross, was thought to be dead, and was buried alive in the tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea. Jesus then woke up in the tomb, somehow rolled the 1-2-ton stone away by himself, and proceeded to make his cameo appearances around town. There is the “Substitution Theory” which suggests that Jesus either had a twin brother or a doppelgänger who impersonated Him on the cross. Sounds like the lame plot twist in a soap opera episode, doesn’t it?

A popular explanation to poke holes in the resurrection is the claim that Jesus’ followers must have conspired together to take part in grave robbery. This theory isn’t new by any means as its origin is found in the passage from Matthew that you just read. To save face, the religious leaders bribed the guards who watched over the tomb to spread the lie that Jesus’ disciples stole the body away while they were sleeping on the job (Matthew 28:11-15). This is ridiculous for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it’s important to remember that almost all of the disciples were tortured and martyred for their faith in the resurrected and living Jesus. Why would these men choose to suffer and die for a lie that they willingly fabricated?

I could list other conspiracy theories regarding the resurrection but none of them add up or hold any water. All of these theories are excuses that serve as distractions from truly coming to terms with the empty tomb. It is a historical reality that Jesus lived, was crucified, and His body cannot be found. We all must come to grips with this reality and choose to either embrace the resurrection or reject it. To ignore it or live in light of it. To hate it or celebrate it every single second of every single day. The resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything. If you believe in it and submit to the risen Lord, the resurrection changes your past, your present, and your future. Because of the resurrection, you can have new and abundant life that lasts forever (Romans 6:4-11). Jesus’ resurrection paved the way for your future resurrection when you will receive a new and glorified body (1 Corinthians 15:12-34 and 1 John 3:1-3). When life is hard and doubts arise, take heart and know that your Redeemer lives! Jesus is alive and ruling on the throne of the universe at this very second and forevermore. Let the lyrics of Bill Gaither’s famous hymn, Because He Lives, ring in our hearts and minds: “An empty tomb is there to prove my Savior lives and because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” [1]

Reflection Questions:

  • Why is it logical and reasonable to believe that Jesus rose from the dead?

  •  How does His resurrection impact/change your past, present, and future?

  • How has the Lord ministered to your soul over this past week of reading and studying His Word? What are some of your big takeaways?

[1]Bill Gaither, Because He Lives, Heartwarming Records.