Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Q&A Day Questions We Didn't Get To: What do you want to do for a thousand years?

So there will be a 1,000 year reign with Christ after the great tribulation.  Those who have died or are raptured will be given new bodies.  What do you think that life will look like?  Will we be eating, playing, working?  Do you think we will just be signing endless praise to God?  Any thoughts?

This is a great question. As we’ve seen, Revelation 20 mentions (6 times!) the 1,000 reign of Christ, but gives few details. Why? Because most of the details are given in the Old Testament prophets!

But these details don’t speak to all of the things we will do (and not do) as much as they speak to the “condition of the culture”, so to speak. I don’t know if we will play sports or enjoy movies, for example. The Bible doesn’t give us those kinds of details. BUT I do know that we will reign with Christ (Revelation 20:4). And these responsibilities are given based on faithfulness in this life (Matthew 25:14-30). And there will be no war (Isaiah 19:23-25).

Read passages such as Isaiah 11 for more information, and re-check our recent sermons on Zephaniah (especially chapter 3). Again, the OT prophets abound with teaching on the conditions of the Millennium.

The short answer: the Millennium is going to be similar but different but way better than this life on earth! I personally believe it will be more similar to this life than we expected, but far greater than we imagined.