Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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I love New Year's Day! (the actual day and the U2 song)

I love New Year’s Day.

I don’t know why. I don’t have any particularly great memories of spectacular events that happened on any January 1 in my life. But it has always been a meaningful day to me.

I think it has to do with the sense of January 1st bringing to us the one thing we all long for: a chance to start over.

Every year marks triumph and tragedy. Wins and losses. New life and saying goodbye to loved ones. And New Year’s Day brings with it that sense of closing the chapter on the previous year while standing in anticipation of what will happen in the next year.

This is also one of the most alluring things about the Gospel of Jesus Christ: a chance to start over. No matter how badly we blew it, no matter how many times we insisted on our own way… God reaches out to us with forgiveness, mercy, and grace.

Is this the year? Is 2012 the year that you decide you are done trying to do things your way? Is this the year that things really change for you, as you allow Jesus Christ to have His rightful place as Lord of your life?

If you have said, “This is the year I am going to start going to church”, then I have great news: you can come to Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North! We are a brand new church, so this is a great time to get on board.

What kind of church are we? Come as you are and experience passionate contemporary worship and messages from Bible that will help you grow in your journey. You will be welcomed, accepted, and loved. We are conveniently located in Wexford, meeting at Marshall Middle School (5145 Wexford Run Road) every Sunday morning at 10:00 am.

Don’t let anything get in the way! And lose the notion that you have to be a “good person” to go to church. You only have to be a person who realizes you need the Lord. And He is ready to give you your chance to start over.

p.s. - just hold the sauerkraut