Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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God is Laughing

Well, I learned that God has a Facebook page.

I was dropping in on the lives of friends, family, and others on the social media site just the other day when I came across a repost of something “god” posted earlier.

It wasn’t from God, the capital “G“ real God.

I went to this Facebook page of this “god” character. It was obviously meant to be funny, but what I saw was anything but. It featured everything from blasphemy towards God to mocking Christians to exalting sin.

Do NOT waste your time going there, and for sure don‘t let your kids on this page! The things on there have bothered me for days, just the sick, arrogant dishonoring of the Lord.

Have you ever wondered what God thinks of this stuff? You know He sees it, He sees everything! Does it frustrate Him, annoy Him, make Him discouraged…? How does God feel about this?

There are 3 passages in the Bible that say “God laughs”, and in all of them, He is laughing at the same thing. Check these out:

Psalm 2:4 -

He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.

Psalm 37:13 -

but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming.

Psalm 59:8 -

But you, O LORD, laugh at them; you hold all the nations in derision.

Check the context of all three of these passages, and you will see that when the wicked have the audacity to exalt themselves in the face of the Almighty, He simply laughs at them. Like a gnat trying to knock down a linebacker, the foolishness of a human (or even a nation) getting in the face of the Almighty is just pathetic - laughable!

I don’t enjoy the thought of the end of the wicked, but I do enjoy the thought that the Lord isn’t bothered by them. His offer of grace is still on the table, for now. But whether it is Facebook, or Hollywood, or evolutionary “scientists”, or atheistic psychologists, be sure that when man tries to put himself in God’s position, the Lord laughs. 

p.s. - is not going to friend "god" on Facebook