Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Praying for Your Child's Purpose in Life

December 2020

“For I know the plans I have got you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11 

When we think about praying for our child’s purpose in life we need to remember that God loves our children more than we do and that He has a plan for each one of them. We need to be alert of any opportunities that may come around to teach our children the truth about God. and to give them the confidence and hope in their future when they put God first in their lives. The bible uses ordinary people to do great things all throughout the Bible just like the story of Esther. She was an ordinary Jewish girl but God had big plans for her. We need to help our kids look past their limitations and to put their trust full in God. 

Our job as parents is to equip our children and it is God’s job to call them to their path. As parents, we should be paying attention to our kids' gifts, then taking opportunities to teach them how God could use their gifts in their futures. It is easy though, to confuse our job with God’s. We may try to guide our children down a certain career path or take over the family business. We need to see our kids how God sees them and adjust ourselves with God’s plan for our kids lives. 

As we pray for our children’s future, Jean Flemming wrote out a few things we should remember as we pray. They are the following: 

Acknowledge- God has his hand on their lives, even before they were born. 

Admit- any areas we might resent in the way God put our children together. 

Accept- God’s design for each child, thanking him for how he made our child. 

Affirm- God’s purpose in creating our children is for his glory. 

Ally- ourselves with God in his plan for their lives. (Flemming, Jean, 1996)

Prayers you can use:

Heavenly Father…

Let _____ be careful and wise in how he lives, making the most of every opportunity and understanding your will for his life. 

Ephesians 5:15-17

Fulfill every good purpose in _____’s life and every act prompted by her faith, so that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in her life. 

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 

No matter what ____ is planning in his heart, let your purpose prevail in his life. 

Proverbs 19:21


Berndt, Jodie. Praying the Scriptures for Your Children. (Grand Rapids, Michigan; Zodervan, 2001) 199

A Mother's Heart; A Look at Values, Vision, and Character for the Christian Mother. (Colorado Springs; NavPress, 1996), 89.