The new variant of the novel Arrow Mad Cow-rona virus fundraiser has hit Harvest for a second wave of the pandemic.

This church-wide game involves Harvest families donating to the Arrow Summer Mission trip in a fun way. Any Harvest family can participate as follows:


  1. INFECT - $20 Donation - Send a large wooden cow to the front yard of the Harvest family of your choice. Any family can infect another, non-vaccinated family at any point in the game.

  2. ANTIDOTE - $20 Donation - Infected families must pay a small donation for the antidote for mad cow, which will send Arrow to take the cow from your yard.

  3. VACCINATE - $60 Donation (minimum) - If you don't want that cow to show up in your yard for the remainder of this year, families can make a larger donation to receive a vaccination. Any family can vaccinate at any point in the game, even as a preventative measure. You can never be too careful.


  1. All funds go to support the Arrow Student Ministry Summer Mission Trip this August, where we will be serving in the city of Butler and supporting Harvest's VBS. This is just a fun way to support a good cause!

  2. Arrow will notify you when you have been infected by Mad Cow.

  3. Touching the cow is forbidden, but family photos are encouraged! Moving the cow will result in a $40 penalty (and public shaming). The penalty does not go towards your antidote or vaccine. Don't be that guy!

  4. The cow will stay in an infected yard for at least one night. However, please keep the game mooooving along by seeking treatment and a new target immediately. Contrary to the CDC, we are encouraging the spread!

  5. The antidote cost is double for any family that is on vacation when infected. How unsafe it is for you to violate the lock-down!

  6. Non-vaccinated homes can be infected repeatedly. Have you not heard? There is no such thing as natural immunity anymore!

Step 1 (Give & List Action(s) and Name Victim)

  • Remember give generously!

    • $20 (min) to infect another family

    • $20 (min) to apply antidote

    • $60 (min) to vaccinate

  • Important! Enter the ACtion(s) and next victim’s name in the “Mad Cow Game Action(s)” field When completing your gift!

    Example 1 ($20 min for 1 action): Infect (Pastor Jeff Miller)
    Example 2 ($40 min for 2 actions): Apply Antidote, Infect (The Orts)
    Example 3 ($100 min for 3 actions): Apply Antidote, Vaccinate, Infect (The Howells)

(requires naming your victim)

(requires naming your victim)

-- The game has ended for the 2021 season --

Step 2 (watch the spread go viral!)

Revisit this page for updates and photos of all of the action as it continues to ravage the church family!