A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away…
10 Years Ago, In Marshall Middle School- to be Exact!
October 2nd, 2011 was the first Sunday of Harvest Pittsburgh North, so NOW we are going to be celebrating 10 years of Serving The Lord together.
Saturday, October 2nd we will be gathering for a time of Food, Fun, and Fellowship as we spend time as a family rejoicing in what the Lord has done in us & through us.
We will be gathering at Pine Community Park, at the Keys Pavillion, located near the basketball court and playground.
Lunch will be served at 1. We will be providing the main course and we are asking everyone to bring a dish to share. Last names A-M: Bring something Savery, Last names N-Z: Bring something Sweet!
We will have Kan Jam, Spike Ball, and 4 Square Volleyball set up- as well as organizing a Cornhole Tournament (just like the old days).
After the fun, we will spend some time in Worship, and we will receive a word of encouragement from Pastor Jeff.