Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Why Jesus? Because Unbelief Has Consequences.

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Why Jesus? Because Unbelief Has Consequences Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Hebrews 3:7-19

  1. What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

  2. Has there ever been a season in your life when you were hardening your heart, due to some area of disobedience? What did you do to change course?

  3. How would you address someone who you believe hardened their heart against the Lord? Maybe it was someone who used to be active in church or Bible study, but seemingly just walked away. How do you approach such a person?

  4. What are ways HBC can fulfill the command in Hebrews 3:13?


Evaluate your Small Group:

  • Are you really watching each others’ backs?

  • Are you having hard conversations when someone is in sin?

  • Do you shut down complaining but encourage thanksgiving?

  • Are you encouraging each other in obedience to serving Christ?

Pray for one another.