Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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What is the Church's Mission?

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Church 101 - What is the Church's Mission? Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Titus 2:11-15

  1. What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

  2. How is salvation brought for “all people” if some people refuse to come to Christ to be saved (Titus 2:11)?

  3. How does a person’s attitude toward Jesus & their attitude towards sin reveal the condition of the heart? Can a sincere Christian live in unrepentant sin? Read 1 John 3:8-9.

  4. What does it mean to be “zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14)?
    Be real: scale of 1-10, how “zealous” are you for good works? If you are on the low end, how do you restore a zeal for good works?

  5. BONUS: What is the mission of Harvest Bible Chapel?

Pray for one another, and pray for HBC to stay on mission.