Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Knowing Jesus - Knowing His Peace

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Knowing Jesus - Knowing His Peace Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read John 14:25-31

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. What are some ways the world gives peace (John 14:27)? How is the peace Jesus gives different?

  3. How does “not having peace” show up in your life: worry, depression, anger, despondency, something else? How should you respond when you feel this coming on?

  4. What example from Jesus do you most need to embrace and emulate right now?

    Viewing Death Realistically. (John 14:28)

    Resting in God's Control. (John 14:29)

    Regarding Satan as Defeated. (John 14:30)

    Obeying the Father Out of Love. (John 14:31)

Pray for one another.