Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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"Good Enough" Isn't Enough.

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Do What's Right - "Good Enough" Isn't Enough Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Judges 2:1-5

  1. What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

  2. Describe in your own words how Israel sinned. Why was this such a big deal to the Lord (Judges 2:1-3)?

  3. Read Ephesians 4:30. How do you grieve the Holy Spirit? How do you know you have? How can you stop grieving the Spirit? How do you know you have?

  4. What is the “second generation syndrome”? How does that happen? How can we prevent that with our kids (and the kids at HBC)?

Pray for one another. In what area(s) have you been “partially obedient”?