Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Questions from the Congregation - Part 12

Note: The time signatures [00:00] below indicate the start of a question if you'd like to skip to a particular one of interest in the audio file.

  1. [02:42] - Q: God said it was not good for man to be alone and created women. Why wouldn't God have the same for Himself?
    A: See John 17:5, 24 | Ephesians 5:25-32 | Revelation 19:9

  2. [05:54] - Q: What is a Christ-like response to people you don't know stopping you on the street and asking for money? What's the best way to show the love of Christ without enabling/hurting more than helping the situation?

    A: The safest bet is to offer them food. But always make it an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

  3. [12:20] - Q: The Bible states "absent from the body present with the Lord" but also talks about the dead in Christ will rise at Christ's return and forever be with the Lord. Explain please.
    A: See 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 | 1 Corinthians 15:35-55

  4. [14:26] - LIVE TXT Q: We are to believe that the Bible is the truth because it is Gods word, and I want to believe this, but the Bible has been translated and copied so many times by so many people. What if the truth has been lost in the process?
    A: The test to verify an ancient document, the Biblographical Test. 2nd ancient document, the Homer’s Ilead 600ish copies…the New Testament has 24,000+ ancient copies.

  5. [23:29] - Q: Christ tells us to do communion but He also washed feet and told us to do that too. Why do some churches wash feet and not others. (BTW the fact that we don't is not a problem with me.)
    A: See John 13:15 - For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.

  6. [27:47] - LIVE AUDIENCE Q: Could you talk about eschatology? What the church’s position is on end times. His scripture descriptive of what’s going to happen, what’s already been fulfilled, just generally like that.
    A: See Revelation, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Daniel 9 | Last year we covered the entire book of Revelation.

  7. [30:50] - Q: Can you please explain to me the meaning of Psalm 108:7-9? thank you.
    A: See Psalm 57:7-11 | Psalm 60:5-12

  8. [33:39] - Q: To my understanding, the devil was cast from Heaven due to the sin of Pride, is that correct? And if so, I don't understand that as I didn't think sin was possible in Heaven? Thanks.
    A: See Revelation 12:4 | Matthew 25:41

  9. [35:00] - LIVE TXT Q: How does Harvest reconcile the thought that some parts of scripture are cultural (like head coverings) but others like the role of women in the church are not?
    A: See Timothy 2:11-15 | It’s the context of and surrounding the passage as to whether it’s cultural or theological, take out your biases and read the text straightforwardly.

  10. [39:21] - Q: Melchizedek. Please Explain.
    A: See Hebrews 7 | Psalm 110:4 | Genesis 14
    Melchizedek was a “type”, a picture of the Messiah, in at least 5 ways:
    1 – His name: my king is Righteousness
    2 – His title: King of Salem (Peace)
    3 – He was BOTH king AND priest
    4 – He was not a Levitical priest (Jesus was from Judah)
    5 – No beginning or end. Mel shows up suddenly and vanishes suddenly from the Scriptures, no genealogy or parents mentioned, “resembling Jesus” as a “priest forever”. (Heb7:3)

  11. [42:58] - Q: What about white privilege and racism? And what about diversity in our church? How are we supposed to respond as a body and as individuals?
    A: Join us next week for a Bonus QnA day! Bring your friends and family as we have a special guest joining the QnA, submit your questions now!

    Any question that was missed due to time constraints during the service Pastor Jeff will address the answer
    on the blog.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

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Q&A Service - Part 12 Jeff Miller / Mark Ort

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

Review the questions submitted above. Discuss any of these that stuck out to you, or that maybe your group finds particularly interesting.

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another!