Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Knowing Jesus - Knowing His Life

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Knowing Jesus - Knowing His Life Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read John 5:18-29

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. Why do you think Jesus didn’t try to “reason” with His critics? Why would Jesus declare such truths about Himself if He knew it would only make them angrier?

  3. According to John 5:29, what is the basis of judgment? If good works cannot save you, what does this mean? What place do “good works” have in the life of the redeemed?

Have you ever struggled with feeling condemned? What does John 5:24 say about judgment for the one who believes in Jesus? Why do we often believe our feelings over the Word of God? How can we change that? Pray for one another.