Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Be Led Not into Temptation.

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Do What's Right - Be Led Not into Temptation Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Judges 16:1-22

  1. Happy Anniversary! Name one thing you praise God for regarding Harvest Bible Chapel.

  2. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  3. Why do you think Samson carried the gates of Gaza away instead of fighting? Why do you think Samson played around with Delilah’s interrogation of his strength? What do these accounts tell you about Samson at this time in his life?

  4. Samson’s story boils down to three wrong women. Why do you think some people repeatedly choose to be with the wrong type of person?

Do you recognize your sin tendency / area of weakness? Pray for the discernment and faith to flee when temptation comes!