Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Walk Wisely - Sin Never Brings Success

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Walk Wisely - Sin Never Brings Success Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Proverbs 28:7, 13-14
(If you like, review any other passages on relationships we covered on Sunday!)

  1. What was your big take-away from this passage / message? What was your biggest take-away from this SERIES?

  2. Tell of a time you saw someone ruin their life because they refused to heed God’s Word. (NO NAMES!)

  3. How should we approach someone who is “falling into calamity” due to their sin? What do you say to such a person…?:

    • If the person is a believer?

    • If the person is an unbeliever?

Pray for one another to WALK WISELY as children with understanding (Prov 28:7).