Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Laziness: Destroying Yourself By Doing Nothing

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Walk Wisely - Laziness: Destroying Yourself By Doing Nothing Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Proverbs 6:6-11
(If you like, review any other Proverbs on laziness we covered on Sunday!)

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = “comatose lazy”, 10 = “workhorse of the year”): How would your boss rate your work habits? How would you rate yourself?

  3. What advice would you give someone who confesses to you that they struggle with laziness?

  4. Why do you think laziness results in MORE and WORSE laziness?

  5. How specifically can a sluggard come to poverty (Prov 6:11)?

Confession time: in what area of your life are you most lazy? Pray for one another that the Lord would change your heart.