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Coming Soon: All Things New.

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Coming Soon! - All Things New Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 21:1-22:5


1 - What aspect of heaven, according to John’s description, are you most looking forward to? Why?

2 - What aspect of heaven, according to John’s description, was “new information” to you?

3 - In this description of heaven, why are John and us reminded 3 times (Rev 21:8, 27, 22:1) of who and what will NOT be in heaven?

4 - In the list of “unrepentant sinners” excluded from heaven, the first kind named is the “cowardly” (Rev 21:8). What type of sin is this referring to? How is someone “sinfully a coward”?


Pray for one another, and thank God for this place being prepared for you!