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Coming Soon: The Great White Throne Judgment!

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Coming Soon - The Great White Throne Judgment Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 20:11-15


  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message? What stood out to you / what was new information to you?

  2. Rev 20:11 - why was there no rainbow around the throne (see Rev 4:3)? What does this tell you about the Great White Throne Judgment?

  3. Since God knows everything, why does He have the books of deeds and the book of life (Rev 20:12-13, 15)? What is their purpose?

  4. How would you reply to someone who says, “How could a God of love cast people into the Lake of Fire?”


Pray for the lost that you know. And pray for opportunity for you to reach the lost that you know.