Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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The Longest Rivalry Ever. (Revelation 12:1-17)

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Coming Soon - The Longest Rivalry Ever Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 12


  1. What is your big take-away from this passage / message? What did you learn about Satan that you previously did not know?

  2. What is the point of John being shown these signs here, at this point in Revelation?

  3. What is the significance of John explicitly telling us “this is a sign” (Rev 12:1,3)?

  4. Describe some things Rev 12:9-10 tell us about Satan.

  5. “There is only one kind of true faith: faith that is willing to go all the way to death.” Do you agree or disagree? See Rev 12:11 and Matthew 16:24-26.


Pray for one another!