Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Coming Soon! Judgment, Phase 2: The Trumpets, Part 2 (Revelation 9)

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Coming Soon! - Judgment Phase 2 - The Trumpets Part 2 Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 9


1 - What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

2 - Why would someone who lived through the demon attacks still refuse to repent and turn to God (v20)? What does this say about the power and influence of sin?

3 - How do you know when someone is hard-hearted to the point of being unable to be reached with the Gospel (v20-21)? How can you suspect someone is heading there? What do you do in that case?

4 - The Greek word for sorceries (v21) is where we get the word “pharmaceuticals”. What is the connection between drugs and idolatry / evil spirits?


Pray for someone you know who is an addict, that the Lord would bring deliverance.