Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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The Loveless Church: Remember

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Coming Soon! - To the Loveless Church - Remember Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 2:1-7


1. What was the Ephesian church commended for? How is HBC doing in these areas? How could we do better?

2. How do you know when a church has abandoned “the love it had at first” (v4)? What are the signs? What signs would you look for to make sure HBC hasn’t drifted from being motivated by sincere love?

3. When you drift from “the love you had at first” (v4), how do you get back to it? How can an entire church get back to it if the church at large has drifted from “the love it had at first”?

Bonus: The Ephesian church was commended for enduring with good works (v2-3). Yet Jesus said she had to get back to “doing the works she did at first” (v5). What needs to change? In other words, if the church was already doing good works, how can Jesus call the church to getting back to good works?


Pray for one another, your SG, and HBC - that we are always motivated to sincerely love Jesus, each other, and the lost.