Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Bible Basics - 06 David: Worship. Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion

Read 2 Samuel 6:12-23

  1. We are to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23). Where do you think HBC leans - more on the spirit side or the truth side? Where do you lean personally? How can you/HBC move towards being more balanced in spirit and truth?

  2. Why, do you think, we tend to restrain ourselves emotionally in worship? How can you be “all-in” with your emotions (2 Sam 6:14)?

  3. How does God regard our good works (see Hebrews 13:15-16)? How does that motivate you to serve people?

  4. How can you eliminate distractions and focus solely on God in worship (2 Sam 6:21)?


What personal reasons do YOU have to worship the Lord right now! Share - then pray prayers of thanksgiving.