Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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I Will Not Fear Judgement.

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I Will Not Fear - I Will Not Fear Judgement Jeff Miller

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 26 (share the reading load)

  1. If you were persuading someone to follow Christ (Acts 26:28), what are the top 3 reasons / benefits you would list?

  2. What prompted Paul to share his testimony to Agrippa? Why do you think Agrippa responded as he did?

  3. "Share the Gospel not like a salesman but like a satisfied customer." What does that mean? Does this explain why more Christians don’t witness? How can you get there in your own walk?

  4. What is your "big take-a-way" from this passage / message?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for area churches as the Gospel is proclaimed this Christmas.