Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Faith: Healed and Forgiven

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Follow the Leader - Faith: Healed and Forgiven Jeff Miller

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 2:1-12

  1. What is legalism? Why is legalism dangerous, individually and to the church?
    (Answer: Believing that keeping a list of rules makes you a better, more “spiritual” person. It is also when you enforce your convictions upon others. Danger is when you start believing that you are righteous by what you do, and “enforcing” convictions upon others always causes disunity.)
  2. What is a creative way you can invite/bring an unsaved/unchurched friend to worship service at HBC?
    (No lying or “bait and switch” allowed!!!)
  3. How should the church leadership best handle someone who is constantly looking for something to be negative about / complain / criticize? (Note: I’m asking for a friend.)

Breakout Questions:

  1. If your friends dropped you in front of Jesus today, what would He rightly perceive to be the greatest need in your life right now? Pray as a group to bring it before Jesus right now!