Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Praying For an Others-Centered Outlook

May 2020

When you look up self-centered in the dictionary, you will see the definition is a teenager. (I'm joking, that's not really the definition.) We all go through this stage as a teen where we are self-centered. Worrying only about ourselves. And even a lot of adults don’t seem to grow out of this stage. 

So how do we teach our teens to not constantly think of themselves? In the book The Spiritual Mentoring of Teens, the main objective is to teach your teen to put God first, others second, and themselves last. This is based off of Matthew 22:36-40. One way to help our teens develop a heart of service is to get them out of their comfort zone. Get them to look beyond their lives at high school and to see that the world is bigger. Missions trips to local areas that need help can be a start. Hopefully then, leading them to something bigger, like a mission trip to another country. 

This past February, I took my husband and 15 year old daughter on their first out of country missions trip. Watching their experience was one of the best experiences I got to have. Now that is all my 15 year old talks about. She has even put moving to the Dominican Republic and working in the villages as something she wants to do as an adult. Amazing huh?! 

Now the biggest thing I can do for my teen is to pray for wisdom and guidance in this dream she has. And to support her. She is actually focusing on something other than herself and wanting to help others. This trip has given her a sense of purpose. And it will do the same for your child. 

On top of helping your teen getting involved with missions work, it is also important to pray for them to have an others-centered outlook. Some example Scripture based prayers from Jodie Berndt’s book Praying the Scriptures for Your Teenager are as follows: 

Heavenly Father…..

Let ________ put your first, others second, and herself third as she follows your commandments. May she love you with all of her heart, soul, and let her love others as much as she loves herself. 

                                    Matthew 22:37-39

I pray that _______ would be wise and understanding- and that the evidence of these traits would be seen in her good deeds, done in humility. Do not let her harbor bitter envy or selfish ambition in her heart, because those things come from the devil and lead to disorder and every evil practice. 

                                   James 3:13-16

I pray that in whatever ______ does, he would seek to bring you glory to you rather than to help myself. Let him never seek his own good but the good of many, as he follows the example. 

                               1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 

For more scripture based prayers for this topic please email me amoll@harvestpittsburghnorth.org 


Berndt, Jodie. Praying the Scriptures for Your Teenages, 2007 chapter 2 pg 32-42