Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Digging Deeper: The Bible

This past Sunday, we kicked off a new series called: Did God Really Say? The major purpose of this 4 week series is to examine the important doctrines and scriptural realities that our enemy constantly attacks and seeks to undermine. We began by answering the question: Did God really say that His Word can be trusted? We focused our time and attention upon 2 Peter 1:16-21 which teaches us that the Bible is historical fact, a complete source of light and guidance, and an authoritative message from God Himself. We also learned that Scripture can be trusted because it is verified by eyewitness testimony, archaeological evidence, and scientific accuracy. Maybe you walked away from hearing this sermon wanting to know more. Wanting to know more about the trustworthiness of the Bible and how you can become a better student of it. Below are several vetted book that will help you to dig down deep into the Word of God. You can find all of my suggested resources on Amazon or Christian websites like Reformation Heritage Books and Christianbook.com.

  1. Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung (144 pages) - This is a brief yet strong introduction to the reliability and sufficiency of Scripture. DeYoung is a master of presenting complex truths in an easily undertandable way. He explores the truths that God’s Word is enough, clear, final, necessary, and unbreakable.

  2. How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart (304 pages) - This is one of the first books that I read at Geneva College after I switched over to a degree in Christian Ministry. This book opened my eyes to the beauty and purposefulness of how the Lord arranged His Word. Fee and Stuart will walk you through all the different genres and types of books that are in the Bible such as history, poetry, prophecy, letters, etc. It was a helpful tool to me as an 18 year student and it’s still a valuable resource that I turn to as a 32 year old pastor. Every Christian needs this book in their library.

  3. Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul (153 pages) - The late R.C. Sproul is one of the most important theologians and teachers of the 20th and 21st centuries. He had more degrees than Fahrenheit yet still managed to possess a compelling and easy to follow style. In this particular book, Sproul gives you a crash course on how to accurately and passionately study the Bible.

  4. How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Reading? by Jeremy Kimble (64 pages) - Maybe you don’t have a lot of time to read right now or you aren’t a big fan of reading in general. Don’t worry! I got you. This 64 page booklet will give you practical tips for Bible reading and study that you can apply to your devotional time right now. You could easily knock out this book in one sitting or over the course of a few days.