Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Q&A Day - A Question We Didn't Get To: Blessed Assurance?

As usual, we ran out of time before we got to all the questions. So as promised, here’s one that was submitted:

If people who believe in God can have assurance of salvation, can people who believe in God have assurance that they are doomed?

I’m not sure of the question as it is worded. People who believe in Jesus Christ certainly should NOT have assurance they are doomed. 

IF the question is If people who believe in God can have assurance of salvation, can people who DON'T believe in God have assurance that they are doomed? To that I would say: It would be hard to think someone knows what hell is and are okay with going there. I truly believe that most unbelievers think that somehow, in the end, they were “good enough” to go to heaven - and will somehow end up there. Despite what the Bible says about sin and the need to personally receive the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ, I think most unbelievers are banking on God just overlooking their sin and giving them heaven anyways. This is clearly not what the Bible teaches.

John 3:36 - Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.