Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Nepal Part 2!

Through your generosity, HBC gave another $3,900 to Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal - again to help feed their people during this pandemic preventing their work. Check out the email and pics from Pastor Timothy below!


Dear Respected Pastor Jeff Miller,
Loving Greetings from Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal

It has been a while since, we are not getting into contact. We hope you are doing well there as we are fasting and praying for you and your church. However, we would like to let you know that God is at work in Nepal. We have experienced a huge blessing from you for our brothers and sisters. Without you, we cannot even imagine our situation how worse it could be if you were not there for us. We believe it is our God providence that he has provided us a praying partner like you. We really appreciate you and your church from our heart.

We were able to get to four families with the necessary food supplies. Those four families were near to each other. So, we called them at one of our church family home and we distributed the food supplies. This food supplies has been a great help to them. This would allow them to feed for 40-50 days (one and half month). They said the aid came in the right time as they were worried and praying for the aid. This is our God's answer. However, it is a first update report of the food provision help. We are trying to reach out to more of our brothers and sisters.  We would keep updating to you. Please send our warm love and greetings to your family and church. We are praying for you, your family and your church. I have sent you pictures on attachment. Thank you.

With Prayers,
Timothy Dahal
Harvest Bible  Chapel Nepal.